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E: info@kdenv.ie

Environmental Management

Environmental Management is the control of on site processes and activities with the objective of reducing or eliminating risk to environmental receptors. Environmental receptors include the atmosphere, waterbodies, land and natural resources.
Effective environmental management is achieved through adherence to written procedures for controlling activities identifed as having a potential environmental risk. Often, having an effective environmental managemnt system can provide other benefits to an organisation such as energy savings, improved raw material efficiency and an improved company profile. Increasingly, a good environmental reputation is an important marketing tool for both domestic and international markets.

Environmental Management Systems

An Environmental Management System (EMS) consists of documented processes and practices that allow an organisation to manage and reduce the environmental impacts of its activities. The international standard that an EMS must meet to gain accreditation is ISO14001. The awarding of ISO14001 accreditation is a valuable marketing tool and is increasingly important to companies exporting to international markets. All organisations have an environmental impact to some degree from heavy manufacturing, food & beverage, pharmaceutical and service industries. The first stage of drafting an EMS is to identify the main environmental aspects of the organisation and their environmental impacts. Documented systems can then be put in place to reduce these impacts.

Environmental Policy and Statements

In today’s environmentally aware marketplace, it benefits all organisations to have an Environmental Policy and Statement, which can be used to promote a commitment to cleaner and greener operations. An Environmental Policy/Statement should commit to improving environmental performance through setting of targets/goals, promotion of environmental awareness, lean manufacturing, education, communication with the public and improved site operations.
Pollution Risk Management

Prevention is better than Cure! This is very true with regard to reducing the risk of pollution through environmental auditing and risk assessment of on site working procedures. Preventative action requires this and KD Environmental Ltd. have many years experience in environmental risk assessment and the drafting of control procedures to prevent future pollution incidents.
Environmental Auditing

For EPA or Local Authority licensed premises, an external environmental audit is a valuable tool in reducing license non-conformances. Environmental audits also highlight risk areas, areas for improvement and lead to economic savings through improved energy efficiency, improved raw materials efficiency and reduced waste generation.
Environmental Training

KD Environmental Ltd. design and deliver bespoke in house training courses to meet client specific needs. Training in environmental awareness, energy efficiency, waste management, wastewater and water on site analysis are just some of the courses we have delivered to our clients. See our Environmental Training webpage for full course details.
Green Labels and Product Assessments

Assessment of production processes and product manufacture to improve resource efficiency, reduce carbon footprint and reduce manufacturing costs. Application to awarding bodies for product green labels which are important marketing tools.  
Energy Audits

KD Environmental Ltd. perform energy efficiently audits to help organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change. The international standard ISO 50001 promotes organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system (EnMS). The awarding of ISO50001 shows a commitment to a cleaner global environment and smarter use of resources.
Waste and Odour Management Plans

Reduction of waste volumes equals economic savings and a waste management audit highlights areas where this can be achieved, improves waste storage and segregation, increases recycling and re-use and improves a site’s appearance.
For companies that deal with organic substances such as waste, food and beverage companies, odour management in conjunction with waste management plans, reduces public complaints and improves site environmental compliance.